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Pizza with ham and mushrooms

Pizza with ham and mushrooms is a delicious and tried-and-true composition of flavors, which is often on our tables. Crisp, velvety ham, the characteristic flavor of mushrooms, and aromatic spices – create flavors that are impossible not to like. And all this on our dough – crispy with fluffy, soft edges. All these ingredients create a cohesive, delicious whole. No wonder it’s the most popular composition on pizza!

Ingredients list

Flour Tomato Puree Mozzarella Ham Mushroom Spices

Nutritional value for 100g of the product

  • Nutritional value for 100g of the product 919 kJ/ 219 kcal 
  • Fat 6,5 g 
  • including saturated fatty acids 2,3 g
  • Carbohydrates 29,1 g
  • including sugars 3,3 g 
  • Protein 9,7 g
  • Fiber 2,4 g
  • Salt 0,88 g

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